Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Constructivism - Carl Rogers

What is Carl Rogers' Contructivist Theory


Rogers identified two types of learning. The first type, cognitive, corresponds to rote knowledge such as learning the multiplication tables. He considered this type of learning to be meaningless in the long run. The second type, experiential, refers to applied knowledge such as learning to use the computer in order to publish a paper. This he considered to be the most important. The principal distinction is that experiential learning stems from the needs and wants of the learner.
The following qualities characterize experiential learning: personal involvement, self-initiated, evaluated by learner, and pervasive effects on learner.
Experiential learning is equivalent to personal change and growth. All human beings have a natural propensity to learn. Education should help students discover how to learn and also support them as they learn to embrace change.

The role of the teacher is to facilitate experiential learning. This includes:
(1) Setting a positive climate for learning.
(2) Clarifying the purposes of the learning.
(3) Organizing and making available learning resources.
(4) Balancing intellectual and emotional components of learning.
(5) Sharing feelings and thoughts with learners but not dominating.

Learning is facilitated when:
(1) The student participates completely in the learning process and has control over its nature and direction.
(2) It is based upon practical social, personal or research problems of interest to the learner.
(3) Self-evaluation is the principal method of assessing progress.


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Because of various cultural, social, and religious reasons, a video game, already released in some places and that looks completely fine in one country can be criticized somewhere else. This is one of the reasons why video game localization - unlike translation- is a must for video games.

But one seemingly simple yet relatively deep and complicated question has always bothered me: when does localization go so far that it becomes censorship? And to what degree should this sort of censorship be tolerated?

I will show you a simple example, Yakuza 3 on PS3 shows well how thin the frontier between censorship and localization can be. Almost immediately, it came under fire for the huge cuts it suffered at the hands of Western localizers. Apparently, a significant chunk of the cut scenes, minigames, and events were removed from the US release, deemed "inappropriate" for American audiences.

Gamers were most likely expecting something different after reading about the game in specialized media

Regardless as to what country this game is purchased in, by default (due to content) the player will generally be an adult - or at least old enough to understand that the game may contain some "naughty bits". Just look at the cover - this fact is not going to surprise anyone. So who are the publishers to decide even further who this game is for, and what parts they should be allowed to play?.

Video game translation should be given more consideration, and before censoring, developers should rather listen to their gamers at first.

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